Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Ten Day Leave!

Or I could title this "ten of the best days of my life". I don't think we went a day without seeing each other. I won't bore you with the details of the entire ten days, I'll just ramble haha!

We got home from South Carolina late on a Saturday night. He ended up just coming home with me and staying the night at my house. We were up late because he had to iron his dress blues for church in the morning. I didn't even care that I was drop dead tired, I just wanted to be around him. Before church the next morning, I re wrote on the back on my car, "MY MARINE IS HOME, OOHRAH!"

At church the next morning, everyone was so ecstatic to see him. He even gave a small speech in front of everyone, and of course it made me cry espeically when he mentioned me and all my letters. After church, we were driving and we heard all this honking, and when we turned our heads, there was an elderly couple in the car next to us just waving and smiling at us. We didn't even know them.

One thing I noticed on his ten day leave was the absolute kindess of strangers, everywhere. We were at Blockbuster one night, and he was stopped in the middle of the movie store by a man who just wanted to speak to him about his journey so far. Of course, he asked if I was the girlfriend, and he told him he better keep me around and put a ring on my finger. lol! We get that a lot everywhere we go.

A lot of his time home, we spent with our families. Some days I would go to his house, and times he would stay at mine. Nothing was better than snuggling up and just being together.

Speaking of me staying at his house, when we first got home from SC his mom and dad said, "Erin can just sleep over here" Ian and myself kind of blew it off, cause I was never allowed to stay the night before. I think we just thought we imagined them saying that haha, so the first night I ever stayed over there was Thanksgiving night. We went shopping with his mom on Black Friday. It was so funny! We got to Toys R Us and the line was wraped around the building. All I remember after that was Ian swooping me up over his shoulders and running up and down the line screaming with me on his back. It was seriously so funny, and I was laughing so hard. We both drank red bull when we got home, so we were up late goofing around. But nothing is better than falling asleep and waking up next to him.

That's how our relationship has always been though. We are always so silly with each other. We are always joking, laughing, wrestling, and teasing each other. I wouldn't have it any other way. He's my best friend.

To sum it up, the ten days was perfect and I didn't want to imagine him leaving. It wasn't long enough and I didn't want to have to say goodbye again.

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