Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Sorry I haven't finished posting the rest of this story! Waaaaah, I have been so busy and haven't had time to sit and write. I will post the next few parts soon, I pinky promise.

Tonight, I pick up my love from the airport after five long months <3 <3 So excited!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Graduation Day!

Once again, couldn't sleep that night. I was way too excited for the actual graduation ceremony and to finally be able to bring him home! We woke up early once again, and ended up getting there a little bit late actually- well not late enough to miss any of the ceremony, but late enough to not have anywhere to sit. We were okay with this because we actually sat right on the ground, right up front! :)

This ceremony was unlike anything I have every witnessed in my entire life. I had chills the entire time. I even cried (Surpised?...I think not!) haha My favorite part was the end where it was like a chain reaction of "OOHRAHS!" all the way down. It is so hard to explain, you'd have to see it with your own eyes. It was amazing. Then the entire crowd ran onto the parade deck to grab their Marines! I met a few of Ian's buddys and then we went back to the barracks to grab the rest of his things. Somehow, I ended up having to carry a bag bigger than me. Everyone we walked past thought it was funny, even the DI's were noticeably laughing at me. I didn't mind :)

As soon as we got into the car, he was instantly relieved and kept telling us to get him off this island. We were driving to go to the MCX and he was digging through his things, and pulled out his dogtag he wore around his neck all of boot and put it around my neck. He still to this day tells me that it means the most to him because it is what he wore all thirteen weeks of boot.

After we shopped at the MCX for a while, we went and grabbed lunch and at lunch I gave him the scrapbook I made him while he gone. It's my favorite present I have ever given him :)

Kacie's dad lives in Charleston, and so we decided that we would drive up and see him and stay an extra night in South Carolina, just because. Her dad has connections and got us two hotel rooms so we could stay an extra night!

The first time we kissed after boot was waiting outside the car for Kacie to get the room keys. I was standing on the curb to be level with him, and he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him and he gave me the bigggest kiss ever :)

Once we got into the hotel, we all drank and hung out for a little while and listened to Ian's stories about boot camp. It was getting kind of late and we had a LONG two days, so Ian and I went to our own room....

....And I'm sure you can guess the rest ;) ;)

Or in the words of my ever so classy Marine, "Get some" ;)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Part Four- Family Day- Finally!

   Ah finally, after a long thirteen weeks it was time. These two days could easily be defined as two of the best days of my life. I left the Wednesday before family day. Ians best friend Kacie and her boyfriend were coming down for the occassion so the three of us were driving together. We had to stop at Ian's parents house to grab a few things, including our sign for the moto run! We left at around 8am, and made it to our hotel down in Beaufort, SC around 10. We hit a detour in Tennessee and it took us ages to get there. I can't even explain to you the excitement building up inside me. It was all still unreal to me. It hadn't really hit me that I would be seeing him the next day. Once we got settled in the hotel and ate it was time for us to get to bed. Obviously, I was tossing and turning all night because I couldn't sleep. I was way too anxious. My mind was going crazy. We got up at about 445am on Thursday November 19th. We had to be at the run early. On our way to Parris Island, we missed our turn and we were confused so we stopped and asked some people at the gas station. Of course, since I am the chatter box- Kacie nominated me to find someone to ask. I got out of the car, and of course I was rockin' my hoodie that said, "My boyfriend is a Marine". As soon as I stepped out of the car three men yelled to me and said, "You tell that boy Congratulations!" And I turned around to them and said, " I will, but do you know how we get to Parris Island from here? They looked at me and laughed and said, "Sweetie, Look at our hair cuts, We're Marines- of course we can get you to Parris Island" They were so funny, and they kept asking me questions about Ian and I was telling them how I wrote him every single day and I could hardly wait to see him. Then one of them said to me, "When you see him, I want you to tell him that I said to marry you." He was so sweet. I was glowing. I was proud. We finally made it to the Island and it was still pitch black outside. All you could see were the reflector belts on the recruits. It was surreal. We had the windows rolled down and you could hear all the cadences. It was powerful, and so hard to capture the moment in words.

^This is Kacie and myself with Ian's sign for the Moto Run. His dad hand drew the sign.

Ah, going off on a rant right here for a second. I promised I would explain the whole "Popeye" thing. Every since Ian was born his family called him Popeye. In a lot of his baby pictures one of his eyes were closed so that's why it kind of stuck. Then when I came along with my dark hair, I became Olive. So that has always stuck with me. It's one of the only nicknames I have ever had :) :) But that is the story behind that, and the reason why the sign has Popeye on it!

Everyone we passed was looking at our huge sign. It was the biggest sign there. We had reporters interviewing us about it. We had tons of people taking pictures with it, and of it! It was so funny. EVERYONE was staring, and we knew once Ian saw it, he would know it was for him.

Okay, okay - back to family day. I could hardly contain myself. Once the run started, we immediately spotted Ian. He ran past us, and as soon as he did he turned his head and SMILED so huge at us. The biggest smile ever. Kacie and I were jumping up and down, screaming our heads off because of it. I was in tears already. I couldn't believe all this was happening. Happiest girl alive. haha

So after the run, we waited until they would be released. During that time, I met up with all the ladies I met on the yuku site. We all instantly hugged each other and cried together. I felt like I had known them my entire life. They were family to me, and still are to this day.

This is most of my Yuku family, including Ian's family on the right. I love them all!

Alright, so Liberty ceremony can be defined as the most anxious moment of my life. I was sitting next to Ians family, and one of my best friend I met on the site. Her and I were holding hands, and as soon as the Marines came in, we were still holding hands and still crying. As soon as they were released, I kind of hesitated for a second and looked at his parents so the could go run to him first, but his dad looked at me and said, "Go get him girl!!" And I ran so fast to him. I was dodging people, chairs, random flying objects. Then there he was, and I latched on to him like a baby monkey and held him so tight. I felt whole again. I was absolutely complete and I didn't want to let him go. I misssed him so much.

So after all that commotion, we were able to spend a few hours with him there on the base. I wanted to badly to run away with him, to kidnap him right there and take him away with me. He showed us around the entire place. I got to see where he slept, where he kept his things, the post office box where he dropped all my letters in, just everything. I was in his world the past thirteen weeks. It was so much to take in.

When we were in the barracks he pulled out this huge thing of letters
 and I was like "Wow are those all the letters you got while you were here?!" (It was the hugest stack ever!) And he laughs and goes, "Oh no, these are JUST from you!" Haha I told you guys I was dedicated. I wrote every day, sometimes even twice a day!

Some more pictures for your enjoyment :) :)

I did not want the day to be over, but in a way I did so I could get him out of there after graduation the next time. But, I wanted more time with him. I wanted so bad to kiss him and kiss him and kiss him some more. But I knew he couldn't. I wanted so badly to just HOLD his hand. I wanted his fingers intertwined with mine. But again, I knew I had to wait. I waited this long already, ONE more day wouldn't kill me.

When I got back to the hotel room that night, I cried. I was once again, so happy that all my body knew to do was cry. I felt crazy for a minute or two that I was actually sobbing, but I was happy- so unbelievably happy.

(I am not sure why this format looks all choppy and for the life of me it won't seem to cooperate, sorry!)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Part Three continued,again- The Home Stretch!

I remember being up late Wednesday night because I knew the Crucible was starting for Charlie Company in just a few hours. It was overwhelming and exciting for me all at once. This was in all reality their final test, at the end of this, they would finally be able to call themselves Marines. The entire time The Crucible was going on, it was all I could think about. I worried about if he was cold, tired, drained- all things that were out of my control. Like I said before, I "blogged" on yuku, so that Saturday morning we were all in a chat room, counting down the last two hours of the Crucible. I remember when 8am rolled around (I am pretty sure that is around the time they finished up) that we were all probably jumping up and down in front of our computers. The pride I felt was unbelievable. He did it, I knew he could do it. I was so proud of him. I can not even explain how relieving it was to know that Sunday he would be calling, and that Wednesday I would be leaving to go pick him up. He made it, and I made it. We made it together.

That Sunday I woke up so early. I had a training class for work to go to, and they were well aware that I was expecting a phone call. I honestly didn't know if he would have time to call because from what I hear the lines are long. But, I didn't put it past him to wait in a line all day! I got to work and clocked in, and I was helping a customer and my phone lit up and it was a weird number. I knew instantly it was him. I ran outside and screamed into my phone. I could not believe it was him. He sounded different, in a good way. He didn't have long to talk. I wish I could remember our conversation in more detail, but it was so exciting and everything was in the moment, I am 100% sure that majority of it was "I love you's!"

I called my mom and told her about the entire call! She was so happy for me. I could not stop smiling. I was on cloud nine, and it all started to feel SO REAL. As soon as I got off the phone with my mom, I called Ian's mom. She had talked to Ian too, and once I told her how excited I was, I cried. I was so unbelievably overwhelmed with happiness that I actually cried. I have never been so happy that I cried before. I knew that this was just the beginning of my happy tears seeing as three days from Liberty Sunday I would be leaving to go pick him up!!

Woohoo, I have almost finished the Boot Camp part, just have to write about family day and graduation- and I have so many pictures to share! :) :)

Friday, December 3, 2010

Part Three Continued- Letters from home.

Again, this post might be a little choppy and unorganized because boot was such a crazy journey, and there are SO many things that were going on, and it's hard to keep up with every little detail. But I am trying my best to break it up in a way that it makes sense.

I had his training matrix printed off and hanging next to my bed. Every night before I went to bed, I'd grab my bright red marker and cross a day off. It made me feel like I kicked that days ass, and I was ready to take on the next one. When I started crossing off the days, it seemed hopeless. Then as weeks started passing, it seemed as though the matrix just kept eating up these red X's.

I always sent such random things in my letters. I'd send jokes, quotes, poems, song lyrics, and most of the time since I am such a phenomenal artist (KIDDING!) I'd draw him stick figure drawings of him and I :) He loved it, I knew it. I remember one letter I sent him I included a tic-tac-toe board. We played it back and forth until it was over. He won, of course. I wasn't surprised that he still kicked my ass in every game we played even from states away. His Drill Instructor ended up finding it, and told him it was "Gayer than aids". Haha, I still laugh to this day when he tells me the story about it.

I feel a little sad sometimes when I go through the boot camp letters. This is the first time I have actually went through and read them in almost a year. It was such a huge experience in our relationship. When I think back to boot camp, I am amazed. It blows my mind that for 13 weeks our relationship survived soley on LETTERS.

I started spending A LOT of time with his family while he was at boot camp. It made me feel closer to him in every way. They always had me laughing, to the point where I would be in tears. His parents always told me I was so easily amused. One of the most important messages I have ever gotten and will forever stay in my heart is one from his dad that said,

"Hello Erin
Both Hope and I are in agreement, it seems as though you are hopelessly in love with our popeye as he is you. So with that, a heartfelt welcome to the family is ado God Bless."

(Popeye is Ian's nickname, I'll explain that all in the next couple posts- Pinky promise!)

I told Ian about that in one of my 80 somethin' letters, and he was shocked too. From that day on I always felt apart of his family, sometimes they were more of a family then my own. Like I always say, they are truly heaven sent!

Before I knew it, we were getting down to the end. It was heading into November, only three short weeks until he graduated! It was so hard to believe that we were almost finished with the boot camp journey, especially because there were days where it seemed like it would never end!

Okay, okay I need to stop going off on these random rants, but  anyways- Letter Number 19, I got on November 5th, 2009. It was after his BWT week, (Basic Warrior Training) I believe it was Week 10/11 on the training matrix. He qualified as a sharpshooter, and he wrote at the top of his letter, "P.S I kept a picture of you with me on the rifle range, it helped calm me down to shoot better".  I like sharing parts of my letters just because it is what our relationship was for three months. It's what motivated me every single time the mail man brough me a letter. 

Two days letter I got another letter, and he said it would probably be his last letter because he was starting The Crucible. He was nervous for it, and I felt sort of overwhelmed that the first part of our journey was coming to an end. I mean, in 11 days I would be on my way to Parris Island. It was absolutley unreal.  But, to my surprise, on November 12,2009 I got another letter from him. He basically was telling me how he was nervous for the crucible, how he is so excited to see me, and how much he as to tell me. My favorite part of this letter was, "You will be getting a call from me on Sunday, so stay by your phone! I love you!". So that was it, that was the last letter ever during boot camp. It's crazy to think I was sad in a way that it was over. But I was so unbelievably excited to see him, to finally be able to throw my arms around him and just hold him.

I can't believe I just pulled out all those letters and re read through all of them. It's so strange to think we have come this far. It seems like just yesterday that I was stalking my mailman waiting for letters.

Since I finished up majority of the boot camp part, I think I will be able to finish part three, later tonight when I write. I want so badly to be caught up to the present day! Hahah! I'm getting closer.

Next post, I'll start with the beginning of The Crucible because I've gotta admit, I was nervous too! :)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Part Three. Let boot camp begin!

The first couple weeks were the absolute hardest for me. I could barely sleep at night. I found myself staring off into space majority of the day. I became empty, lost, just a spirit inside of a body wandering around. I had no appetite. And when I did eat, the only thing I wanted was chocolate icecream with peanut butter shell on it. So random right?

This was not only boot camp for him, but relationship boot camp, seriously.

I started writing him the day he left. Each letter- hand written, date at the top, letter#, and signed with "always, and forever- erin." It became a daily routine. I don't think I ever missed a day.

To pass time, I worked. I worked three jobs. Rarely a day off, rarely any free time. I let work eat up ALL my time. It kept my mind off things. If I had any time to just sit at home, I was writing to him. I started a scrap book to work on while I was at home. I shopped online for Marine Corps things. I waited every single day for the mail man. I remember when I got my first letter. I fell asleep late that night, and my grandma was in, but she went out with my parents early that morning. She always would park right next to the mailbox, and when she did that, our mailman couldn't get to our mailbox. I woke up that morning at six am. I sat by the front door, and waited, and waited. I could not let the mailman skip our house. I ate breakfast on the front steps, and waited some more. Finally, it was about 11:30 and I was sitting ouside eating lunch and the mailman pulled up and I ran down the driveway, ramen noodles in hand and all. And there it was, right on top- my very first letter! I jumped up and down, screamed at the top of my lungs, and laughed. I was so happy.

Mail man stalking became a regular thing for me. If I was at work, I would drive all the way home just to get the mail. I got a letter about twice a week, sometimes more. Every single time, I was beyond ecstatic. I'd do my little heel kick outside by the mailbox, run back into the house, announce to everyone I got a letter, and then instantly write back. 

This part of the story is hard for me to write because so much was going on, and I was changing so much as a person. I'll probably write the bootcamp journey in a few parts just because there are so many things I want to share. (Like I said, I'm blogging for myself, and for whoever comes across this).  I met so many amazing women on a support site. These women became my biggest support group, and they still are to this very day. I couldn't imagine my life without them, crazy huh?

I found myself getting stronger and stronger every single day. Every word he wrote in his letters gave me hope. I found myself speaking out to other Marine Girlfriends and sharing my story. I found myself motivated. I found myself becoming a role model to other girls whose boyfriends were just starting bootcamp

But most importantly, I found myself falling even more in love with him.

Part Two.

I wish I would have started a blog like this the second I found out he was joining the Marine Corps, but I will just have to keep writing parts of our story till I am caught up to where we are now. Trust me, it'll get rough. Our relationship hasn't been a walk in the park...

So part two, I left off with me finding an inner strength shortly before he left. I felt empowered. He included me. This wasn't only his journey, but mine as well. We spent almost every single day together before he left. I held on to him everywhere. As if, it would stop him from leaving. It gave me a sense of peace. Knowing that right now, he was still there with me, and nobody could take him away.

Then the dreadful day came. All I remember from that morning I woke up was wishing time would stop, just stop completely. I needed the second hand to stop moving, the minute hand, the hour hand. I wanted it all to stop. I wanted to lay in bed with him all day. It seemed like everything just went faster. I found myself trying to memorize everything about him, his scent, his voice, his touch. It was too much. I knew I would have to say goodbye. I knew that for three months, I would be virtually in a relationship with myself.

So the time came, it was hesitant. It was unreal. We held each other. I wanted so bad to be strong for him. I couldn't stop the tears. I needed him to stay. He kissed me, and told me not to worry and that he would write me as soon as he could. I felt like we couldn't stop saying I love you. Would we forget how this love felt? Would this be easy for us? It was a true test of our realtionship. I couldn't bring myself to say goodbye. He knew this, we talked about it before. It was a "See you later".

And it felt like once I blinked, he was gone. Just like that, driving away- eager to start this new journey, preparing to become a United States Marine.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Part One.

If you would have told me two years ago that I would be head over heels in love, I would have shook my head. And if you told me I would be head over heels in love with a United States Marine, I would have laughed in your face. But here I am, more in love than I ever could be with my best friend, my hero.

I met Ian before he truly considered the Marine Corps. We both worked at Fridays together. It was strange because I quit in September of 2008, and when I came back to work in February of '09 he was working there. I was instantly drawn to him, although I will deny it because he was kind of jerk. He wasn't exactly living his ideal lifestyle, and everyone told me to stay away from him. Of course I didn't listen. I saw through his "bad boy" exterior. I never though we would ever date, let alone fall in love. I gave him a hard time for a while, then finally caved in and went on a date with him. We had such a nice time, and from that moment on we were truly inseparable.

He sprung the whole Marine Corps thing on me unexpectedly during a movie one night. I believe it was the end of March sometime. I honestly did not think twice about it. I kind of blew it off as if he was just rambling. Little did I know, once June rolled around, he was speaking with recruiters. My mind was blown, and my heart was torn. He was serious. At first, I was honestly pissed off.  I felt betrayed in a way. How could he just up and leave me? Was this going to be the end of us? Why? Why? Why was he doing this?

His heart was set on it therefore mine was too. It was either stand beside him through it, or let him walk right out of my life.

Once August rolled around I knew it was getting close. Something inside me was telling me to prepare myself. The second week of August, we got in a huge fight. HUGE. All I remember is laying in my bed, bawling my eyes out, and wishing so hard that they would call him and tell him that he was leaving for boot camp soon. I wished so hard, with all my might.

The next day, we met up to talk about things. It was a Monday or Tuesday I believe. We were at Fridays, on the patio and the words started spilling out of his mouth, "Sgt. called me, I am leaving for boot camp on Sunday". I closed my eyes and for a minute, I felt like I was literally drowning. I couldn't believe it. I felt guilty. I felt like I betrayed him. My wish came true. My nightmare was unfolding right before my eyes. Why would I wish for that? Why did I have to be so mad at him?

We stood in the parking lot for what seemed like ages. He held me as I cried, and cried. All I could remember him saying was "I love you" and "You have to stay strong for me".

And as the next six days flew by, I found an inner strength I never knew I had.

Well, for starters.

I'm Erin. I have never blogged on this site ever! You can usually find me on Tumblr, but I wanted to start my story somewhere fresh. Somewhere that I didn't have to worry about who was going to read it. This blog is for me, and if nobody ever reads it, that will be okay too :) Once I wander around this site a little more and learn the ropes, I will begin my real story or journey (what have you..) throughout the two years of my life very shortly!